The Curse of Bigness

Dear reader, it is with great regret that I inform you Harry Morse, LLC was not selected among the Five Firms that Strike Fear into General Counsel. I probably need another dozen pedigreed lawyers to make a New Orleans list and a gross to make a regional list. 

There is an interesting debate resurfacing about the role of antitrust. I am not an antitrust expert. But I have done some reading (and am particularly sympathetic to) a strain of argument going back to Jefferson about bigness. The best version of which, near as I can tell, was written by Justice Brandeis - there's a good summary here

My input is this: my responsibilities are to my clients. If I want to take a case for free, that's my business. If I think a motion should be filed, the process goes like this: first, consider what should be done. Second, recommend it to the client. Third, do it. 

If Harry Morse LLC were bigger, I wouldn't write motions. I'd have people write motions then I'd review them. My responsibilities would be to my clients, but also to my employees and partners. It'd provide real advantages: bigness helps. Hey, I might make internet listicles. But it'd provide real disadvantages too. I'd do less of what I like, and I'd have less flexibility to do it. And I'd be lying if I told you I provide bespoke representation.